Rhomberg Sersa Australia
19 Spit Island Close
Mayfield West, NSW 2304
T +61 2 9627 8200
Company Management:
Scott Richardson, Richard Morgan, Tim Horan
Legal disclaimer:
Rhomberg Sersa Australia accepts no liability whatsoever for the completeness, accuracy and topicality of the information provided. All the documents presented in our website and the materials used (e.g. photographs) are subject to copyright. Use that extends beyond personal and informational purposes or any other use (such as for commercial purposes) are forbidden and offenders will be prosecuted. Rhomberg Sersa Australia accepts no liability nor responsibility whatsoever for the content of other websites linked by external links. Furthermore we reserve the right to amend content at any time without prior notice.
Rhomberg Sersa Australia is a member of the Rhomberg Sersa Rail Group.
Pictures and photos:
Rhomberg Sersa Rail Group
Sersa Group AG (Schweiz)
Rhomberg Bahntechnik
Rhomberg Sersa Deutschland
Bahnbau Wels
Rhomberg Sersa Australia
Rhomberg Sersa North America
Rhomberg Sersa UK
Rhomberg Sersa Ireland
Getty Images
Concept, Web Design and Implementation:
MASSIVE ART WebServices GmbH